Sunday, November 23, 2008

Commitment: If it is to be, it is upto me

I read something beautiful few days back. Would like to share this:

Can I walk the length of two feet by four feet (2’/4’) board lying on the ground?

I am sure all of us can do this.

Now, if somebody gives me a million dollar to walk on the same board; only difference is that this board is hanging between two skyscrapers, 1000 feet off the ground.

Any takers? :-)

May I add another detail here: My child’s life it at stake and my child is in the other building. Only way I can save the child’s life is by reaching the other building walking on this two by four board.

Is the same decision not much simpler for all of us now?

Friends: It is all about commitment and what is at stake. We all have different commitments towards different people/ things in life. There can't be total commitment towards everything in life.

If I have 100% commitment towards family, that is good; towards my faiths and believes, very good; but if I have same level of commitment towards my favorite TV program, that is dangerous.

Each of us has to recognize what is at stake for every individual and our personal commitments towards that. Nobody else can tell it to us; everyone has to find it for himself.

If it’s to be, it’s upto me.


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